Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Large-scale visualization of a simulation data using Unity3D

Simulation Visualization Framework

  • The 3D visualization can help the decision making process which usually involves diverse simulation data.
  • We studied to develop efficient visualization framework, especially for the warfare simulation several years ago.
  • The framework has been proposed consisted of 7 modules and interfaces.
  • For efficient implementation, we used Unity3D which allows faster development of an application and cross-platform distribution.
  • Detailed information can be seen in HERE

Simulation of a Capsized Ship, and Lifting Process

  • There was a serious disaster in Korea. (related article)
  • After few weeks, the ORIN Lab performed simulation to validate the reason of capsizing.
  • And this data, should be visualized as soon as possible for publishing.
  • So we reuse the framework above, and replacing only the "Data Processing" module to change the processable data from warfare simulation to capsizing simulation.
  • As a result, a day was enough to implement the application.

Extending the Application to Large-scale Visualization

  • Today, I converted the application described above, which is for standalone use, into large-scale visualization.
  • This also takes fairly short time(a day), since I already developed "Multi-Channel" module for our facility.(small grey box in the first figure)
  • So all I have to do is just plug the module in my Unity3D project and build it to install it in CAVE facility.
  • Although the GUIs are not handled properly. It is not easy to remove it in client without modifying the script code...

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