Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mesh Comparison - Javascript & ASP.NET service

Web page for mesh comparison

Pure JS, client-side scripting
  • For the interactive servicing of mesh comparison(or retrieval), I made the web page for it using X3DOM for visualization and JS for calculation.
  • It was pretty successful, and you can see the result in the below link.
  • You can test with your OBJ or OFF mesh data or,
  • You can download sample model from here.
  • http://ssong.kaist.ac.kr/upload_test.html
  • (OBJ and OFF parser may have some limitation.)

  • Soon, I realize that the client-side scripting is not enough for maintaining DB for mesh data, and shape descriptors.
  • I'm not familiar with the various web technologies and choose a server-side programming method that I can develop fast-ASP.NET
  • First step is develop the calculation module with C# DLL, which is just a conversion task from JS.
  • Second step is designing the layout, which I'm not good at, and connecting the module with elements in the page.
  • Also, one functionality added is storing the uploaded mesh data into server machine for later development.
  • For dynamic visualization of X3DOM, "HTMLGenericControl" of ASP.NET was used to change the attribute value in X3D node.(Is there any performance issue?)
  • You can test with your OBJ of OFF mesh data, but you should keep in mind that the DATA YOU UPLOADED WILL BE STORED IN MY SERVER MACHINE.
  • (OBJ and OFF parser may have some limitation.)

Further Issues

In development
  • The postback harms the UX...
  • Performance itself seems worse than JS
  • Hopefully, I will solve the problems by modifying the structures.
  • Model DB displaying, selection and retrieval.
In methodology
  • I didn't clearly understand the Histogram --> PDF part yet.
  • Several approaches on normalization, bin width selection and PDF comparing.

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