Friday, October 16, 2015

Convex Hull algorithm in Unity - 2. 3D problem

Real-time visualization of 3D proximity area of moving vehicle during some period
  • Proximity area
    • Can be generated by offsetting mesh surface
    • Off-line generation is okay, but on-line is preferred if possible
    • Intersection problem is not a big issue since final 3D proximity area will be obtained by 3D convex hull algorithm
    • Only vertices will be delivered to the convex hull process.

  • 3D Convex Hull
    • Generated by calculating convex hull from trajectory of offset vertices
    • Must be generated in real-time.
    • Since orientation of vehicle will be limited (e.g. upside-down), we may limit the number of vertex applied.

  •  Test, so far

  • Next?
    • 3D convex hull implementation in Unity3D development environment.

Solid colored mesh : source model / Red dots : offset vertices / Wireframe : convex hull from offset vertices

0.003 unit offset from surface

In real-time scenario, vertices that never contributes to convex hull can be excluded in calculation. For example, vertices located behind bunny's neck.

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