Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Convex Hull algorithm in Unity - 3. Quickhull

Quickhull Implementation on Unity

  •  My Implementation - version 1
    • Focused on understanding the algorithm and validation
    • Step by step visualization for debugging

  • Demo Clip1

    • Tested using 50 randomly generated points in unit sphere
    • Visualized lines
      • Red line : triangles made in previous iteration
      • Green line : triangles made in current iteration
      • Yellow line : found horizon in current iteration
      • Cyan line : normal vector of triangles
    • 25 iterations to finish, and 0.0279 second elapsed (sum of calculation time of 25 iteration)
    • Therefore, 30Hz update is possible with 50 points?

  • Demo Clip2

    • Tested using 300 randomly generated points in same domain
    • 82 iterations to finish, 0.1747 second elapsed
    • 5.7 Hz?

  • Plans for version2
    • Performance improvement
      • Implement conflict list managing functionality, that shortens search time for next candidate vertex
      • Horizon finding using half edge traverse?
    • Test for real-time scenario
    • Test for complex offset model

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